Amateur Radio Station DL6DJ

Amateurfunk / Radiosonden / Wetterbilder von Europa / Solarwetter und mehr…

Wettersonde SatBilder Diplome Bandplaene SolarWetter Sondenfinder Impressum

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about me

Ham Radio Operator ... infected with the HF virus at the age of 8.

After various stations via CB radio with the source handheld radio

from home (Kaiser 9015 and Handic 12305 ) and mobile from the car.

I also used the devices without FTZ like the President Jackson and Universe 5500.

Finally the border guard wanted to have my mobile device without FTZ number.

That was the impulse for me to get the licence.

First the small C and after the Morse code was dropped the B.

But without diligence no licence :)

First as DG3RCE and since some time as DL6DJ.

Here I am active in various modes and bands.

Theme contest and amateur radio yes :)

73 de DL6DJ


TRX: Icom IC-7300 with SM-50 Mic

Antenne: Harry Windom 10-80 Meter

Antenne: 7 Band CobWeb 4-20 Meter by AWK

Software: CQRLog / FLDigi / WSJT-X

all Software with CAT Support

Logging SW: CQRLog

Computer: DELL Wyse ThinClient with external's Monitor

Weather Probe Receivers and

Airplane Decoder on Linux OS ThinClient,

APT Satelliten Decoder

with Antennas from Vinnant

and some other Tools ..